I've heard people say different things regarding their cross, like a women in a strained relationship: "My husband is my cross"..lol Or someone with cancer or a deadly disease, will refer to their condition as their cross. Or maybe some sort of strenuous situation. People are willing to carry these "supposed" crosses for the sake of following Jesus. But is that what Jesus really meant?
Back in the days when Jesus lived here on earth, "the cross" was a symbol of death. I'm sure if we asked anyone in the first century what the cross represented, they would relate it to --painful humiliating death. The cross was an execution device. A device that one would carry to your place of death, and was used for your own crucifixion. You would carry it, and bear humiliation along the way.
Maybe Jesus meant something along those lines when He said "carry your cross and follow me"….
Jesus willingly carried His cross. He bared the humiliation and the pain, til his moment of death. He did it, because there was a divine purpose for it all. He knew this was the will of the Father. Although, it was painful and extremely humiliation, he did it. He denied Himself. He surrendered to the will of the Father. So maybe thats what Jesus is asking of us, when He asks us to carry our cross. He is telling us that we must be willing to die to self, deny ourselves……and give-in in complete surrender. Jesus said, “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?” (Luke 9:24-25).
During this lenten season, I ask myself "am I really carrying my cross?". At time, I must be honest, I am not. There are times when I put my wants and needs above all else. I pray that the Lord can help me get to that place of total surrender. Because I want to follow Jesus. Jesus is my life, and just as my Savior carried His cross, I want to carry mine.
So I dare you to ask yourself the same. Here are some questions that might help.
* Are you willing to follow Jesus if it means losing some of your closest friends?
* Are you willing to follow Jesus if it means alienation from your family?
* Are you willing to follow Jesus if it means the loss of your reputation?
* Are you willing to follow Jesus if it means losing your job?
* Are you willing to follow Jesus if it means losing your life?
If today, a group of soldiers showed up at your house, ready to shoot at anyone who claims to be a "follower of Christ". With a gun to your face, they ask you " Are you a follower of Christ?". What would you respond?
Think about it.
I am willing to carry my cross. Some days it is heavier than others, but in the long run it will be as light as an angelic feather. He is worth all the pain, humiliation, heart aches and trials. Besides all of these things make us stronger for His glory and honor.