Saturday, August 27, 2011

Experiencing Christ

I've been missing in action, because I've been busy.  Today I was forced to stay home.  There is a storm coming our way, causing a panic in our city.  So here I am.  I finally have time to share.  Here it goes:

Ephesians 4:22-24 “You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” 

As a Christian, you still inhabit your old body with its habits, temptations, cultural influences, and a relational network that can very easily challenge your life in Christ.  Your old body can thwart God’s work in you causing you to not experience the fruit of the Spirit, to miss God’s abundance, to prevent you from experiencing a daily relationship with Him, and to neglect His purpose for you.  You can experience a greater portion of these by allowing God’s righteousness and holiness to reign in you.  Putting off the old self is making the choice for God’s best.  You choose Christ when you passionately seek to know Him through every avenue at your disposal.  Your hunger and thirst for His righteousness consumes your life in this world. Jeremiah 15:16 says, “When Your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight.”  Pray for God to give you a revulsion for your old life and a heart of praise for His grace and love.  Gaining a deeper intimacy with Christ will free the Holy Spirit to not only make sin repulsive, but also allow you to experience a greater measure of God’s grace and love.  It is out of your intimacy with Christ that you will be empowered to put off the old selfish self and to put on your new self in Christ – “created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” 

Galatians 5:25 “If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.”

Monday, May 23, 2011

Stepping out of your “Comfort Zone”

Have you ever been so warm in your bed in the morning that you never want to get out? Talk about a “comfort zone.” Now, say you had to get out for something good…like a great smelling breakfast wafting through the doors. That would be some incentive. But say what awaited you wasn’t so pleasant: something mundane like laundry or cleaning. But what’s worse, say what awaited you was something tortuous: like running into a fire or jumping into an ice-cold pool. Wouldn’t be so alluring to get out of your warm, comfortable bed, would it?

Now you have a small glimpse of what Jesus did for you. The Bible says that He was seated in heaven with God, His Father, with every heavenly luxury. He enjoyed a perfect and intimate relationship with God; all the angels bowed at His command; and He lived in Paradise. But Jesus chose to come down to Earth: dirty, sinful, painful Earth, filled with messed-up humans and limitations. He chose to leave glorious Heaven and come to messed-up Earth because He so deeply loved everyone who had gone astray. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that He sent His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish.” Jesus sacrificed His own comfort so that we could have our sins paid for.

What is on the other side of your comfort zone? Is it the person at the store who needs some encouragement? Is it the lonely girl in your class who no one wants to talk to? Maybe it’s the needy people around the world who could benefit from the sacrifice of your finances. It could be anything or anyone; but one thing is sure: there is someone who could benefit from you stepping out of your comfort zone. My life was radically changed because someone stepped up and told me about Jesus. They risked me putting down their invitation. Others sacrificed their time to minister in the retreat where my life where I experienced God for the first time. Because they sacrificed their comfort, my life has been forever changed.

Who could you help by stepping outside of your comfort zone? It’s not easy to spend our time, energy, or words when it feels uncomfortable or inconvenient. But someone’s entire life could be bettered by it. Stand Up and be like Jesus. Praise God!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, May 15, 2011

God can give you His peace!

Have you ever seen the peaceful, rolling stream of a river? Studies show that being out in nature actually has a positive impact on your physical and emotional health. The kind of peace like that river is what God has promised to those who trust in Him. He says, “Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream; and you shall nurse, you shall be carried upon her hip, and bounced upon her knees.” (Isaiah 66:12).

Peace is one of the greatest things in life. And you can’t buy it. People try to take drugs to get it, relationships to mimic it, and transcendent religions to acquire it, but the only thing that brings true peace is trust in God. Have you ever seen someone going through the worst time in life but totally at peace?

Jesus was like that—and you can be too. There was a time when He and His followers were in a boat when a huge storm hit. They were all freaking out—even though they had seen Him do a great miracle beforehand—but Jesus was just sleeping like a baby. He wasn’t worried at all. When his disciples woke Him up, He said to them, “’You of little faith, why are you so afraid?’ Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm” (Matthew 8:26).

Where is your faith? Is it in the economy? Your spouse? Your talents or looks? If so, it is going to shake when those things shake. But if your faith is in God and Jesus who loves you forever, you can have the kind of peace that rolls along like a river. Ask God to quiet your heart today from all its frantic worries and ask for His peace to fill your heart. You can face whatever is in your life with great peace through complete trust in God.

Let's pray and ask God to help us experience true peace in our hearts. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Pleasing Temple

Matthew 21:12-13 “Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there.  He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves.  ‘It is written,’ He said to them, ‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it a ‘den of robbers.’” 

In all probability, most of these people started out as well-intentioned people of God who wanted God’s best and sought Him with devotion.  Somehow their lives went from devotion and godliness to making God’s house no better than a den of thieves.  Your life represents God’s temple in today’s world.  If Jesus were to walk into your temple, would it bring a smile or anger to the face of Jesus?  If each aspect of your life represented a room in your temple, you would have rooms that might represent your spouse, friends, devotion to Christ, work, hobbies, witness for Christ, Godly character, habits, addictions, character traits (faithful, truthful, love), etc.  What would Jesus find in the rooms of your temple?  Would Jesus be pleased and uplifted or would your temple bring Him sadness?  If you are to experience the full abundance that Jesus speaks of, you must give your temple (the sum of your total life) to Jesus wholeheartedly.  You must trust Jesus with every aspect of your life.  Allow Jesus to give you new insights into His Word.  Pray with Jesus so His presence fills your prayers.  Engage God with greater passion so that your temple might bring greater glory and devotion to your living Lord and Savior – Jesus Christ!

Philippians 1:20 “ I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.”

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Love Letter from my King….Don't ever compromise

In your weakness, I will keep you strong, My child.  I am well aware of the many things in this life that war against your spirit and your soul.  I know it feels like distractions and difficulties are sent daily to test your character and convictions.  Remember, My love, this life is not a dress rehearsal.  It's the real thing, and I'm training you through these tests to trust Me.  I am preparing you today for your future life in heaven.  So seek Me in prayer for My strength, and don't give in to temptation or compromise.  They are like quicksand lying on your path to righteousness.  Hold on to Me and My power within you, and I promise that you will make it through.  When the wicked winds try to blow out the flame of your faith or try to cause you to compromise, stand on My truth…I am your solid Rock, and you can conquer anything in My strength.
Your King and your Rock

I know many times its easy to compromise, rather do what the Lord asks us to do.  I know temptations are all around us.  But the Lord is telling us that He can help us through it.  I truly believe that if we look to Him and hold on to Him, we can make it.  At the end of the day, we will be victorious.  And trust me, it will feel way better than compromising.  Because when we compromise, we end up feeling guilty.  Its like exchanging a gourmet meal for McDonald's. Or a blow pop, rather than a cake pop (from Pops of Heaven).  I don't know about you, but I want the gourmet meal with a cake pop for desert.  
I pray that we learn and remember to always call on the Lord for strength, so that we may see glory.  In Jesus name I pray…Amen.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Relationship with Him

Many people grew up with fear of God.  We feared doing the wrong thing, thinking we would be punished somehow, or go to hell.  Some of us are intimidated by Him, like the Israelites, who would send Moses to talk to God for them.  They were scared of dying or ashamed of their sin.  Some are intimidated by His holiness.  We've also been threaten to be in relationship with God.  We've been threatened with hell, if we didn't relate to God.  In turn this has caused many to look for God out of fear of hell.  Because of this threat some of us pretend to be in a relationship with God, thinking thats going to gain them a key to eternity.   We play church.   We go to mass every Sunday, ask the Lord for protection, wear a rosary and ask ask ask. Somehow we've convinced ourselves that this is pleasing to God.   These things are cool, but God wants a deeper relationship with each and every one of us.  Not a pretend relationship.  Not a one way relationship.  Not a materialistic relationship.  A real relationship.  God sent His only begotten son, Jesus, to us in human form so that we can relate with Him.  Relate to him as you would with friends, family, spouses, or a parent.  He wants to commune with us.  He wants to hear from you…..about your achievements, your weaknesses, your wants, your needs, your pain, your dreams, etc…  He also wants you to listen to Him.  Allow Him to talk to you.   

God had a very special plan when He sent Jesus down to us.  For years many we had been separated from God, and didn't have the kind of relationship He meant for us to have.  Fear, intimidation, and sin, had built this wall which separated us from His presence, therefore we lost intimacy with God.  When the disciples met Jesus, they had no idea of who He really was. This allowed for them to be themselves. They revealed themselves as they were.  They laughed, they joked, asked silly questions, spoke freely about their feelings, and just relaxed in His presence.  That is what God wanted.  And that is what He has always wanted.  Intimacy with you, like He once had with Adam and Eve.  He wants us to feel secure in a relationship with Him, built on love and trust.  God is the one and only person we can completely trust in, and know that He will never fail us.  So why be scared?

And Yes God is the Almighty, holy and the All Powerful, but we can be intimate with Him without taking away from Him.  Just like we can be friends with our earthly fathers without them losing their fatherhood.    The fact that we can build an intimate relationship with the living God, just makes it the more incredible. As a father He can be your friend, your protector, and your guide.  Scripture describes us as friends dear enough to die for, little chicks rushing under the protective wings of a hen, and young children beloved by a gracious Father.  That is God.  He loves you.  So stop being afraid, and embrace that thought.  Love Him for who He is, and not for what He can give you.  We are not doing anyone a favor by playing church, or pretending to relate to God.  In fact, you are only losing out on the best experience of your life.

I pray that we can be honest with ourselves, and honor Gods call to all of us.  To build an intimate relationship with Him.  In Jesus name, I pray.  Amen.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Love Letter from my King….Be real with Me

My Princess,
You are precious and beautiful to Me.  You never need to pretend to be something other than who I made you to be.  I don't want you to try to impress Me by pretending that all is perfect in your life.  My love.  I want you to find great freedom in being real with Me.  The more real you become, the better you will relate to others.  No more pretending, My princess.  I love you just the way you are, and I want you to be real with Me in all you do and say.  I gave My life for you so you could live free to be yourself.  Don't let anyone steal your joy by turning you into something fake.  Be true to yourself and be true to Me, because I love the real you.  
Your True King

Have you ever opened up to someone and let them in to the real you?  Have you ever felt like you are afraid to show the real you?  Maybe you feel the real you is not that interesting? or not that good?  I have.  I've felt that the real me wouldn't be accepted.  At times I was too nerdy, or too good.  Then it was too social and too wild.  To the point where I didn't think God accepted me as I was.  Even when I met Him, it took me a while to really open up.  It wasn't till I realized how much He really loved me, and that He wasn't going anywhere, that I started opening up.  He is a true friend.  He's not there to point fingers, criticize you or throw things in your face.  He's there to listen, when you are upset or hurt.  He's there to cheer you on, when you achieve something new.  He's there to guide you when you are confused.  He's there to forgive you, when you apologize for the same sin over and over again.  No matter what you do, or don't do He is there.  There is no need to pretend, He knows you more than you know yourself and yet He's still there.  

If today, you find yourself that you haven't been real with God, I invite you to ask God to help you grow to know Him better and feel secure in His love.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Take up your cross and follow me

What does "Take up your cross and follow Me" mean? (Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23)  I know we constantly run into this verse, and often think we know what it means.   The other day I was questioned about it.  I was forced to really think about it.

I've heard people  say different things regarding their cross, like a women in a strained relationship: "My husband is my cross"  Or someone with cancer or a deadly disease, will refer to their condition as their cross.  Or maybe some sort of strenuous situation.  People are willing to carry these "supposed" crosses for the sake of following Jesus.  But is that what Jesus really meant?

Back in the days when Jesus lived here on earth, "the cross" was a symbol of death.  I'm sure if we asked anyone in the first century what the cross represented, they would relate it to --painful humiliating death.  The cross was an execution device.  A device that one would carry to your place of death, and was used for your own crucifixion.  You would carry it, and bear humiliation along the way.  

Maybe Jesus meant something along those lines when He said "carry your cross and follow me"….

Jesus willingly carried His cross.  He bared the humiliation and the pain, til his moment of death.  He did it, because there was a divine purpose for it all.  He knew this was the will of the Father.  Although, it was painful and extremely humiliation, he did it.  He denied Himself.  He surrendered to the will of the Father.  So maybe thats what Jesus is asking of us, when He asks us to carry our cross.  He is telling us that we must be willing to die to self, deny ourselves……and give-in in complete surrender. Jesus said, “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?” (Luke 9:24-25).

During this lenten season, I ask myself "am I really carrying my cross?".  At time, I must be honest, I am not.  There are times when I put my wants and needs above all else.  I pray that the Lord can help me get to that place of total surrender.  Because I want to follow Jesus.  Jesus is my life, and just as my Savior carried His cross, I want to carry mine.

So I dare you to ask yourself the same.  Here are some questions that might help.   
*  Are you willing to follow Jesus if it means losing some of your closest friends?
*  Are you willing to follow Jesus if it means alienation from your family?
*  Are you willing to follow Jesus if it means the loss of your reputation?
*  Are you willing to follow Jesus if it means losing your job?
*  Are you willing to follow Jesus if it means losing your life?

If today, a group of soldiers showed up at your house, ready to shoot at anyone who claims to be a "follower of Christ".  With a gun to your face, they ask you " Are you a follower of Christ?". What would you respond?

Think about it.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Love Letter from my King…Wait on Me

My Princess
Wait on Me, My princess.  My timing is always perfect.  I know you're anxious about many things, and I see your passion for all the plans I have put in your heart.  I know that you long to fly, and I see your enthusiasm.  However, just as a vinedresser nurtures the vine and waits patiently for the right moment to harvest the grapes, so too am I working tirelessly to prepare you to bear much fruit.  Don't run ahead of Me or try to fly before My plans are complete.  Your strength will fail you, and your dreams for you are greater than you can dream on your own.  You will run farther and soar higher if you will patiently wait for the season of My blessing.  Draw close to Me now, and I promise that this season of waiting will bring you the sweetest of rewards.
Your King and Lord of perfect timing 

This love letter is dedicate to a very dear friend.   She knows who she is.  She is a princess and sometimes forgets.  The Lord is telling you that He has your back.  Just sit back, relax and let Him do His thing.  Many times I've found myself impatient.  But the Lord has always come thru at the perfect time. I've learned that I should just wait.  So I enjoy Him as I wait.  You should do the same.  Love you.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Grouchy Old Man

Today I had an old joke come to mind.  The mass had just finished, and this man (who is fairly new) gets up and rushes out.  I try to make eye contact to say hi.  I wanted to make him feel at home, but he was grumpy.  He ignored me and ran out.  Thats when the joke came to mind.

"There was an old man who went to mass everyday. Never missed the 12pm mass. He was very faithful. There was a homeless lady who was always sitting outside the church, asking for change. She took notice that this man was often grouchy when she asked for him for spare change. First, she blamed it on the age. But one day, she brought up the nerves to ask him. "Sir, I see you come to mass everyday and receive Jesus in the Eucharist. How come you are so cranky and grumpy most of the time?" He laughed and said, "You better thank God that I come everyday, it could be much worst." 
I love that joke. It came at a good time, because I know this man who ran out of mass today will slowly change. I've seen him in mass every morning for the past week or so. It looks like he is trying to be there every day. I'm sure the Lord will slowly work in his life, and put a smile on his face soon. One day I will glance at him and he will reply back with a smile. I believe that.

When I started out in the walk with the Lord, I wasn't how I am now.  I had so many walls and so many insecurities that I didn't allow  myself to get too close to people.  I use to be intimidating, and maybe I still am a little, but not like I use to be.  The Lord has been working that out in my life.   He's been working miracles in my life.  Most of the time, I don't notice them as they are happening.  I remember being a very jealous person before I met the Lord.  And even when I first met my now-husband, I was very much jealous.  I already new the Lord, and knew that jealousy wasn't from God.  Jealousy isn't a characteristic of a christian and it's a sin (1 Corinthians 3:3). But it was part of me, and as much as I tried to change it myself it wasn't happening.  I remember my husband and I getting into arguments about it when we were dating.  My husband is a very popular guy and a leader in the church, naturally at some point he needs to interact with females.  There were instances where I unwillingly portrayed a jealous girlfriend, even when I purposely did everything I could not too.  It was just in me, and it just poured out of my pores.  

One day, I finally started praying about it and offered it to the Lord.  I didn't want to be like that.  Even though I could come up with 500 reasons to grant me the right to be that way, I didn't want to be anything that didn't reflect a christian.  I felt like St. Paul when he said in Romans 7:15 "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do."  So I spoke to God and told Him he needed to work on this from the inside out.  I was trying to do everything I could from the outside, but everything in me was working against me.  I prayed, I fasted and offered mass for it.

Time went by, I started to forget about it, as it stopped being a hot topic of conversation.  About two years into my marriage, I opened my eyes and saw all that the Lord had done with me.  I truly felt free from jealousy.  I could leave my husband alone with a lady, or see him talking to women with not feeling anger or competition in my heart.  I didn't worry about what he was doing on his travels.  Who he was talking to?  Who he was with?  Are there women there? Why are they there?  Why can't they leave him alone? Etc....  All those thoughts, and haunting feelings were gone.  I can truly say I don't have that worry anymore.  It was such a relief, and freeing experience.  For me and my husband I'm

God did a miracle in my life.  A miracle I will never forget.  Because living with those walls and wounds, made my life miserable.  It affected me, and my relationships.  I am still not perfect.  There are still more things to work on, but I know God will work them out for me.  I just need to be open, and be willing to humble myself to God and realize when I need His help.  

Lent starts tomorrow, and it's a great time to offer these things to God.  As we start letting go of all these worldly things that we carry, we will get closer to God.  And that is what Lent is about.  It's a time to  reflect (pray),  sacrifice (fast),  and prepare our temple for the Spirit of God, the Risen Lord, that will be given to us on Easter.  I pray that we will take this time to reflect on those things that keep us from getting closer to Him, and offer them in prayer.  Offer them as sacrifice.  Lets go against our flesh, and show it who is boss.  Jesus is boss.  If you do it, God will do His job and prepare you for an amazing Easter and everyday there after.  You will be surprised at all the things God can do in your life.   Just as the Lord has slowly changed the old man, and changes me, He will do it in you.  

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Jesus my friend

About three weeks ago, I participated in a small servant retreat.  During the moment of reflection, the speaker made us question ourselves.  He asked "Why do you follow Jesus?"  Some people answered "Because He gives me hope", "Because He heals my wounds", "Because he saved me" etc..   Then he asked "Would you still follow Jesus if He didn't give you hope?  Or if he didn't heal your wounds?" and so forth.  I started to formulate answers that would sound good.  But then I started to dig deep inside.  I started to really question myself, and thinking back at my journey thus far.  I reflected on my relationship with Jesus. I realized that maybe 5 years ago, I probably would have answered "No".  Or maybe not...who knows?  But today, I couldn't imagine my life without Jesus.  I've been thru so many different stages, and situations in my life where God has proven to me that He's always there with me.  I've been thru periods where I didn't feel the presence of God, or felt like He wasn't coming thru, and sometimes even questioned God.  I've been upset at God, and fought with HIm.  There were times where everything seemed to be falling apart and I just wanted to say  "the heck with this".  But at the end of the day, He has always showed up at the perfect time.  He showed up to console me, to guide me, or just to listen to me.  He was and is always there.  He has been the one person (being) that I can ALWAYS count on.  Throughout these many instances, and "tests" (sort of speak), I fell in love with Jesus.....True love.  A love that doesn't just go away.  Throughout this seven year journey, Jesus became my friend.  My best friend.  He has proven to me over and over that He truly loves me.  He loves me everyday, in every situation, in every circumstance, no matter what I do, and just as I am. His love didn't end in the cross.  It continues today, in every detail in my life.  

So that day, at that retreat, I came to a conclusion: That not only does Jesus love me, but that I'm truly in love with Him.  So--- Yes!!! I will still follow Jesus.  Not because of what He can give me, but because of who He is.  

I pray that everyone may find true love, just as I did.  I love you Jesus!

"One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple." Psalm 27:4

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Letter from my King....Triumph through Trials

My Princess...Triumph through Trials

I see you when you are in the garden of grief, My princess.  I hear you cry for help in he dark hours of the night.  I myself cried out in the garden the night I was betrayed.  In suffering I asked My Father for another way-- a less painful way.  Yet I trusted His will and purpose for my life and knew the ultimate victory was at the cross.  Just as olives must be crushed to make oil, I poured out My life as a love offering for you.  Don't ever doubt that I am with you and that I long to take you to a place of comfort, peace and victory.  Even when you cannot see Me from where you are, I am working on your behalf.  Give to Me the crushing weight of your circumstances, and come to Me in prayer.  When it is time to leave the garden, I will walk with you across the valley and straight to the cross-- your trials will be transformed into triumph.
Your Savior and your Victor
Wow!  Thank you Lord. I know you are always with me.  And I know you are always working on my behalf.  All these trails and tribulations I've been going thru have a divine purpose.  And I know that just like you, I must carry and live out the cross.  And just like you I will triumph.  I pray that all my brothers and sisters who are also experiencing their trials, can understand this.  It is very easy to give up during tribulations, but it is so much better to just hold on to you.  Trusting in You, is not always easy.   But it is certainly rewarding.  I claim victory.  In Jesus name.  Amen!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Servant Spirit

Often times, I feel overwhelmed and used.  I feel like no one realizes how much I have on my plate, and get upset when they dare demand for more. As I sat in mass today, and Father Larkin read the gospel, something hit home.   I had heard, read this specific scripture many times, but today it spoke to me.  In today's gospel reading James and John ask Jesus to secure them a seat next to Him, when they enter the kingdom.  Jesus replies and tell them that that is not His decision to make, and goes on to say:  "Rather, who ever wishes to be great among you will be your servant; whoever wishes to be first to be first among you will be the slave of all.  For the son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many." (Mark 10:44-45)

I pride myself in calling myself a worshipper, a christian, a follower of Christ.  Only today, I didn't feel like one.  I realized that I haven't been imitating Christ so much.  And at the end of the day, that is what I'm called to do....Imitate Christ.  Christ had a compassionate, loving, servant spirit.  Although He is God, he still humbled himself, not only by becoming human but by serving us.  He came to serve us.  He wasn't selfish.  He wasn't focused on finishing the days work to go home and relax, or watch TV, or have free time.  He was always focused on His mission.  Ready to serve.  All though He is God, and should have had a train of servants serving Him.  He chose to serve us.  And I question myself, am I really imitating Him, when I get upset?  Am I imitating Him when I complain?  Am I imitating Him when I put my needs ahead of my brothers and sisters?  I think not.  In fact, I ask myself "How dare I complain or expect others to be so considerate of me?  How dare I be so selfish?  When Jesus himself was a servant.  He came down from heaven to serve me, to serve all of us.  How dare I?

As of today, I promise to work on that.  I pray that the Lord guides me, and softens my heart.  To help me, get over myself, and focus on the Kingdom.  He stayed focused and so He earned the ultimate prize.  He is seated at the right hand of the father.  Isn't that what James and John wanted?  A seat of higher position? Yes. And that is what I want to.....Not here on earth, but next to my Father in His kingdom.

Lord, help me stay focused and give me a servant spirit. In Jesus name, I pray.  Amen.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Letter from My King

My Princess.... I have set you apart

I have called you to be set apart, just as I Called those who come before you.  I know this calling will sometimes come with great cost, but the eternal rewards are priceless and beyond comparison.  Just as I did with Queen Esther, I have given you the ability to walk in such a way so all will see that you are divinely Mine.  Some will admire you for your dedication to Me, and some will want you to fail rather than follow your lead.  You may fall because you are not perfect, but your mistakes can be the tutors that make you wiser.  Don't put pressure on yourself to be perfect.  I'm the only one who can perfect you, My princess.  All I ask is that you let Me set you     apart so that I can you use you as my witness for the world to see.
Your King who sets you apart

Lord I let you set me apart.  I am set apart for you.  And I confess, I have made mistakes.  I've seen how you've used my mistakes to teach me lessons.  Lessons I will never forget.  Thank you, Lord.  Continue to do your will in me.  I'm yours.

what was I so happy about....

So I'm not sure, what I was so happy about yesterday....just kidding.  My husband is back home...yay!!!  What does that mean?  let see...  constant singing and guitar playing, alot of questions regarding ministry work, more plates to cook and more  I'm not sure what it is, but when he's home the kids get out of control.  But one very important thing I haven't mentioned is, I get to attend 9am mass...yay!! I made it today.  It was great.  There is something about going to mass with the same group of people everyday, that makes me feel cozy.  I love it.

Monday, February 28, 2011

A Letter from my King...

My Princess... Set Your Boundaries
Come to Me, My precious, when You feel out of control and overextended. I want to take you to a place where you can be still and reflect on your life. I did not call you to be everything to everyone. You have placed the demand on yourself. Even my son, Jesus, needed to walk away from the demands of the crowd and find comfort alone with Me. Let's write out what really matters most to you, so we can draw some boundaries to preserve your peace of mind and purpose for living. Even I drew the boundaries around the mighty ocean. Its good to take control of your valuable time and realize it's all right to say no. That one word will deliver you from a life of pressure to a place of amazing control and peace.

Your King who knows your boundaries

It's a good Monday...

It's a nice quiet, rainy, Monday morning.  I feel productive already.  I took Josh to school, and now I'm back home.  Josh was on vacation all last week, so I didn't have a set schedule to go off of.   I meant to go to mass everyday, as usual, but something always came up.   It's amazing how your routine gets thrown off, when something changes.   I had some things to do with the car, and it totally threw me off. The kids, mom and I spent most of the week at home.  Joan was traveling....Cali again.  He's coming back today.  So while most people will feel today is a drag, for me it's a good day.  I'm getting some quiet time (Hannah and Just are with mom), my husband is coming home, and most importantly I can go to mass.   Things are going back to normal.  Sometimes normal can be overrated, but I've had my break.  I'm ready for it to come back :)

Happy Monday everyone!